

User's profile page

In this page, you can fin all the informations you are looking for about a specific user ; in order to access this page, you need to click on the name of the user you want to get informations about on the user's page

General informations

General informations about the user, you can also know if the user is connected by looking at the picture next to its name, red means disconnected and green means connected


Courses the user is assigned to

Available courses

Courses the user is not assigned to yet

Profile edition tools

Différents outils permettant d'éditer le profil de l'utilisateur (si vous êtes un élèves, vous ne pourrez modifier que votre profil)

Your presentation

Right here, you can see that no presentation is set for this user, but it would be a lot better with it as you can define your skills and levels of skill in order to enable other users to see you when they're looking for a specific skill you master.Don't forget to fill this !!


Sessions in which the user has a role, the role he has in it, his group, his project and the status of the project